Philips DreamWear brand is a recipient of the 2016 iF Design Golden Award in the product design category. DreamWear affords an innovative CPAP mask that is a total departure from traditional designs. It promises a comfortable and efficient way for new and long-experienced CPAP users to quickly adjust to this revolutionary mask. Offering a top-of-the-head tubing, DreamWear mask has three cushion options: full face, nasal, and gel pillows.
Overview of DreamWear Gel Pillow Mask
DreamWear Gel Pillow mask has the same lightweight features of Philips DreamWear mask. Its design provides direct airflow through the frame for an effectual yet comfortable CPAP therapy. Since there is minimal contact on the face, red marks and irritation on the bridge of the nose and the nostrils are eliminated.
CPAP users have more freedom of movement during therapy. It is now possible for the patient to sleep in any position as he sleeps through his CPAP therapy as there is no heavy tubing that could get tangled during overnight therapy. The possibility of dislodging the mask as the patient sleeps is significantly reduced, that he can sleep on his back, side, or stomach.

DreamWear Gel pillow mask is compatible with other model DreamWear masks. The silicone frame and fabric are soft and flexible, providing soft and gentle touch on the patient’s face. It is possible to switch cushions without changing the mask.
General Features include:
- The nose cushion has prongs for each nostril which ensures greater seal to prevent air from escaping.
- The frame has soft tubing that traces the contours of the patient’s face, meeting at the nasal cushion positioned under the nose.
- Older masks confine patients to a rigid sleeping position during therapy. With this gel pillow the patient has more freedom to move while in therapy. He does not have to worry about dislodging the mask while sleeping.
- The flexible and soft single strap headgear is fitted with an overhead tubing attachment, resting overt the back of the patient’s head to fix and stabilize the mask. The tubing is easy to move about and swivel to prevent drag or friction from happening.
- The mask affords an open view so there is very little actual face contact. The patient will have more freedom and ease to read, update his social media, browse the internet, or watch his favorite TV shows while in CPAP therapy.
- The frames come in standard sizes, while the three cushion seals (in a pack) are available in small, medium and large sizes.
Out team of CPAP experts are willing and available to answer your inquiries.
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