When was the last time you slept through the night and woke feeling refreshed and full of energy?
If you’re like most sleep apnoea sufferers, you probably can’t remember.
Instead, you wake up feeling just as tired as when you went to bed. And you feel lethargic throughout the day as well.
You probably even sometimes have trouble staying awake through an entire movie, don’t you?

Sleep apnoea is a serious condition
It can not only make you constantly tired, but can contribute to a wide range of other health problems too, including:
- Liver damage
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Weight gain, particularly around your waist
- Increased risk of Type 2 diabetes

It’s understandable.
Even if your sleep study has shown that youcould dramatically benefit from CPAP therapy, there are probablyseveral reasons you haven’t purchased your equipment yet:
- You’re concerned about spending a lot of money on CPAPequipment and then finding out it’s not the right setup for you.
- You’re worried that the CPAP mask won’t fit right
- Wearing an air flow mask seems cumbersome anduncomfortable, and you’re concerned you won’t be able to sleepat night.
- You wonder if you’ll be able to tolerate the air flow.
In as little as 2 weeks after you complete your initial consultation and set up your CPAP equipment at home, you can
Ready to get started?