CPAP Victoria Clinics COVID-19 Update

CPAP Victoria is open.
We ask that all CPAP Victoria patients call us
first before coming in to one of our clinics. 

At this stage we remain open to CPAP patients, however on a very limited basis.
Many sleep physicians and patients have expressed they would like us to stay open, continuing to provide essential CPAP parts, data analysis and CPAP machines. However, they understand that our CPAP therapy service needs to be limited at this time. While we are now at Stage 3 of COVID-19 development, we will remain open and continue to follow the advice provided by the government and their health professionals.
From Tuesday 24th of March we made drastic changes in our clinics to ensure all new social measures are adhered to in order to protect you and our  CPAP consultants:
  1. We are still open as per government recommendations - Sleep Apnoea treatment is still considered an essential service for patients
  2. CPAP Victoria's procedures have been adjusted to meet all social distancing laws
  3. We are open and operating in all of our 12 Victoria locations, however on a strict no physical contact basis
  4. CPAP trials will still be conducted utilising our new phone screening and video conferencing applications. We are now able to visually consult with you using Zoom, FacetimeWatsap, Messenger and Houseparty.
  5. ​We ask that all CPAP Victoria patients call us first before coming in to one of our clinics. This will allow us to understand your CPAP therapy requirements and how we can best assist them. We will also be able to prepare what you need and book a specific time with you.
Appointments are very important and will ensure a smooth and efficient interaction for you.
If you urgently require new parts for your CPAP machine or mask we are conducting troubleshooting sessions via phone and offer a click and collect service from all or our 12 locations or choose our standard postal service which is free.
In the current environment unfortunately we can not offer our usual face to face CPAP service that we pride ourselves on, but we must comply with all of the new government measures such as social distancing to ensure we stop the spread of COVID-19.
Our ability to remain open is subject to change at any time as COVID-19 evolves. In which case we will keep you informed. 
This week we have been working overtime to create video tutorials on all masks and machines. Our Youtube channel will continue to develop as we add more product videos.
The CPAP Victoria Team